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šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜”šŸ˜­ it makes me wonder if Israel is not agreeing to cease-fire terms simply to have an excuse (though only in their minds) for indiscriminately slaughtering 250 people in order to rescue four. That kind of math is morally reprehensible. I'm glad for the four who are now safe with their families and I grieve deeply for the hundreds sacrificed on the altar of vengeance and for their loved ones as well. So many killed, wounded, and maimed in body, mind, and soul... And the soldiers and pilots? How can human beings do this to one another? How can there be any honor in shooting unarmed civilians with a multi-million dollar fighter-bomber? It's like dropping cinderblocks on a class of school children. It reminds me of SS soldiers shooting and blowing up starving, unarmed Jews in Warsaw in 1944. The occupiers may survive the war and one day die in bed from natural causes but their fate is to live with souls that are forever deformed, tormented, and cursed by their criminal behavior. We could blame Hamas for hiding in the crowd but 1) WTF do we expect resistance fighters to do? Stand on a barren hilltop with signs saying "Here we are?" Of course they're hiding in a crowd, or a hospital, or a school! But that is no excuse for killing innocents and labelling it "regrettable but necessary collateral damage." I doubt there is a SWAT team in the US that would deliberately gun down hostages to kill the hostage taker. 2) Why TF do we think people join Hamas in the first place? Why do a tiny percentage of Palestinians go over the edge and become murdering terrorists (Resistance Fighters) in the first place? That's the real question to ask and it shoukd be the first one: WHY? In the mid-2070s, the Israel general Matti Peled, an acclaimed hero of the '48 and '67 wars and first Governor of Gaza, said "Terrorism is a terrible thing. But the fact remains that when a small nation is ruled by a larger power, terror is the only means at their disposal. This has always been true, and I fear that it will always be the case. If we want to end terrorism, we must end the occupation and make peace."* Wise and prescient words 50 years ago from an Israeli military hero and patriot. * The General's Son" 2nd Edition. Miko Peled, 2016

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Empire is always the terrorizing force in daylight or darkness .we the people are always the fodder & end up so disjointed & fighting ea other for ā€œfreedumbā€ from decipt & the lies of elite master baitors covering their crimes. If WE ALL stop it ALL collective strike of EVERYGDTHING WORK FOOD PLAY EVERY THING THIS WILL ENDšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøāœŒļøšŸ™ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„NO MORE DEATH CULT INSANITY

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error: should be "mid-1970s" not "2070s"

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