Your heart is in the right place. The label of "terrorist" for the resistance is as hipocrytical as we can get from real "terrorists" who think they have the right to rule the whole world for their benefit. Israel is a colony of the empire in the arab world. The energy resources of West Asia are to precious for the western regimes, and a…
Your heart is in the right place. The label of "terrorist" for the resistance is as hipocrytical as we can get from real "terrorists" who think they have the right to rule the whole world for their benefit. Israel is a colony of the empire in the arab world. The energy resources of West Asia are to precious for the western regimes, and at we can see every single day, at any cost. The shores of Gaza has gas, as Lebanon and Syria. This is one of the reasons for the unmasked Genocide of Gaza. Geopolitically, the west is resisting to lose (again, at any cost) their colony. Palestine is the key for the liberation of the whole region. They know it. The arab monarchys are part of the hegemony game ... and now they are not so sure about their position: their population is against the US and Israel and EU dominance. Liberation and democratic processes in their region makes them affraid. But they are affraid of the empire too. They are rich but weak.
In the middle of the struggle, is the people of Gaza and more and more the West Bank. The international law is twisted, the international structures coopted. They are exposed to annihilation, that is the only militar tool israel and US have at hand and are experts without dubt and moral.
I think the pressure of the common people, following the students intifada and deepening it, could be the force to force the west to change ... or vanish.
Think again Einstein who the F do you think the Zionest /west beast was born from NAZIS YOU FOOL HITLER WON . They just called it Democracy Fascism everywhere “3rd world” on the DL at home so undercover we project it on the whole fuckin world . ( here simply put) Genocide bad anti Genocide good WTF?
2. Netanyahu or not, you are still a moron. Here is proof. You blame there not being a hostage settlement (and probably everything else) on Israel [the damn JJOOOOSS, amirite] when you cannot tell me what Hamas' terms are in the hostage negotiations. Go ahead, answer some questions: How many prisoners per hostage does Hamas want? in what order? how much money does Hamas want; what are phases of withdrawal that Hamas wants? Can't answer because you know nothing.
All you know is who you want to blame. You work backwards from there.
So, there you have it. Like I said, you are a complete moron (and an asshole).
Said the person not from there, who can't read Hebrew and knows nothing about Israeli politics. You are entirely ignorant.
Quick. Name all the parties in the Israeli Knesset? You know what, fuck that. Just give me the number of politucal parties in the Knesset.5? 8? Or the number of total seats. 100, 80, 200?
You don't know shit. I am OK with the hate, cause FUCK YOU too. But the combination of undeserved arrogance and utter ignorance that you display in every post is mind numbing. Seriously. Moron. Utter moron.
Your heart is in the right place. The label of "terrorist" for the resistance is as hipocrytical as we can get from real "terrorists" who think they have the right to rule the whole world for their benefit. Israel is a colony of the empire in the arab world. The energy resources of West Asia are to precious for the western regimes, and at we can see every single day, at any cost. The shores of Gaza has gas, as Lebanon and Syria. This is one of the reasons for the unmasked Genocide of Gaza. Geopolitically, the west is resisting to lose (again, at any cost) their colony. Palestine is the key for the liberation of the whole region. They know it. The arab monarchys are part of the hegemony game ... and now they are not so sure about their position: their population is against the US and Israel and EU dominance. Liberation and democratic processes in their region makes them affraid. But they are affraid of the empire too. They are rich but weak.
In the middle of the struggle, is the people of Gaza and more and more the West Bank. The international law is twisted, the international structures coopted. They are exposed to annihilation, that is the only militar tool israel and US have at hand and are experts without dubt and moral.
I think the pressure of the common people, following the students intifada and deepening it, could be the force to force the west to change ... or vanish.
Or release the hostages you assholes.
Free Palestine, you genocidal piece of shit.
Think again Einstein who the F do you think the Zionest /west beast was born from NAZIS YOU FOOL HITLER WON . They just called it Democracy Fascism everywhere “3rd world” on the DL at home so undercover we project it on the whole fuckin world . ( here simply put) Genocide bad anti Genocide good WTF?
Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you
Silly argument. Ahistorical. Not what happens. Example: Germany. Example: Japan. Example: The Confederacy.
I think that was the plot of that BATTLEFIELD EARTH movie though, so maybe you got the voices in your head mixed up with the one from your TV.
As always, Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you.
Which is why you should want to Free Palestine from Hamas. The blockade was created because of Hamas. End Hamas: end the blockade.
Sure. Sure. So please explain Boko Haram, Houtis, ISIS, and Al-Shabab, al-Qaeda.
At what point will you admit you really know nothing at all about this region or these issues?
1. Netanyahu or not, you a still an asshole.
2. Netanyahu or not, you are still a moron. Here is proof. You blame there not being a hostage settlement (and probably everything else) on Israel [the damn JJOOOOSS, amirite] when you cannot tell me what Hamas' terms are in the hostage negotiations. Go ahead, answer some questions: How many prisoners per hostage does Hamas want? in what order? how much money does Hamas want; what are phases of withdrawal that Hamas wants? Can't answer because you know nothing.
All you know is who you want to blame. You work backwards from there.
So, there you have it. Like I said, you are a complete moron (and an asshole).
Said the person not from there, who can't read Hebrew and knows nothing about Israeli politics. You are entirely ignorant.
Quick. Name all the parties in the Israeli Knesset? You know what, fuck that. Just give me the number of politucal parties in the Knesset.5? 8? Or the number of total seats. 100, 80, 200?
You don't know shit. I am OK with the hate, cause FUCK YOU too. But the combination of undeserved arrogance and utter ignorance that you display in every post is mind numbing. Seriously. Moron. Utter moron.