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Thank you for stopping by! We regret to inform you that Oussama's substack only engages in rational, fact based and contextualised discourse that is free from boneheaded propaganda (e.g. this would all end if the hostages were released - Haim Rubinstein, ex-spokesperson for the hostages families has given an interview to the Times of Israel that rubbishes your foolish assertion - and his word certainly carries much more credibility than yours, see: https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/). Nonetheless, if your ambition in life is to peddle baseless, nonsensical talking points based, please visit https://www.aipac.org/ or https://www.adl.org/ to audition for the Israeli hasbara machine. All the best in your deplorable pursuit of genocide apologism!

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Of course, if I really liked fiction I could just follow you and the Hamas Ministry of Health. LOL.

Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you.

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Ahhh ad-hominems. That'll come in handy when you're on the casting couch at the ADL. That's all you lot can resort to since reasoned rational discourse is beyond your intellectual capacity.

I didn't make any references to Hamas anything. If you think the Times of Israel is fiction - take it up with them. If you think Haim Rubinstein is lying, take it up with him. If you think you know more about the Genocide Convention than the ICJ bench then raise it with then. That said, good thing for you is being proficient in reading isn't a pre-requsite for the hasbara machine either because evidently you're sorely lacking in that most basic of skills!

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You'll have to speak louder. I am having trouble hearing you with my dick in your mouth.

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Still doing a bang up job taking a genocide seriously I see.

I would see you in WW2 trying to pull this shit in pubs.


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And I can see you in WW2 in the local beer hall singing the Horst Wessel song and nattering on about jews and how they don't belong in certain places.

Of course, if you were in England down at the pub, you would be rocking a Mosley blackshirt and nattering on about jews and how they don't belong in certain places.

Either way, the only time you would shut up about the jews is when I put my dick in your mouth.


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You're the only person here that's pro-genocide and buying into Joseph Goebbels style propaganda my friend.

How does it feel knowing that literally every claim you make gets proven to be wrong over and over and over again by different people everywhere you go?

Doesn't it just kill the black little thing inside you that you call a soul?

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Sure. Keep telling yourself that. And yet, here you are, not in WW2, but still nattering on about the jews and how they don't belong in certain places.

Dude, you support Hamas, an Islamist death cult who wants to kill all the jews as a religious imperative. Gaslight yourself all you want, but Goebbels would be quite comfortable where you are standing, espousing what you are espousing. After all, your claim tthat Israel is committing a genocide is an excellent example of Goebbels' Big Lie technique. The fact that you employ that technique to try to whitewash the antisemitism of the Left and your own support of Hamas and their genocidal Judenrein goal is just the icing on the cake.

Fool yourself all you want, you ain't fooling me.

Now open your mouth so I can stick my dick in there.

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Wow you're really obsessed with dick eh? I bet knowing that over 1000 innocent people have been butchered by the people you support since the first time we talked gets you all hot and horney eh?

Man, the next year or so is going to be great for Neo-Nazis, anti-semites and white supremacists. They've got so much ammunition to use against the Jewish people it's going to keep them in fresh recruits for a long, long, long time.

But that works fine for Israel though. They want people like you constantly scared of the outside world and reliant on them for protection. It keeps them in power and you docile.

Have you ever thought of the irony that you mindlessly support a far right, nationalist, race based, militaristic government?

Have you ever looked up the definition of fascism before ymg?

"Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."

Well would you look at that. 9/10 on the fascism scale, unless of course something weird happens for Netanyahu's next election, then it'll be 10/10.

I'm sure that totally won't happen or anything.

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Fascism exists on the left. You are an example of it. At the least, you are the Molotov to the Hamas Von Ribbentrop, happily making common cause with them.

Everything you accuse Israel of is right there, for real, in Hamas. And yet, here you are hoping they succeed in killing or displacing 10 million Israelis. And for what, so Hamas can stamp their Islamo-fascist boot on the Palestinian face forever?

What exactly is your goal here?

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HAHAHAHAHA! He did the thing! The thing that every white supremacist neo-Nazi Trump loving inbred dipshit did!

That's hilarious! Ok so for real are you actually an Israeli or have you been some cracker-ass mother fucker American pretending the whole time?

Serious minds inquire.

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Wow! That's the best you could come back with😂?? Then again, making fools of yourselves in public spaces seems to a national pastime. They have Gilad Erdan to act like a complete buffoon for the UN and they've specially selected you just for substack.

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