Bravo. I have many posts about JP.

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Unfortunately corporate capture has engulfed all of governance - including University sustaining funds, all the way down to who / what study areas get grant money, and further, even some peer review spaces that were cornerstones of the scientific process (like NEJM) have been shown to be corrupted by flows of money. Look at climate change research over the last 1/4 century in this new light and it is obvious there has not been a scientific process where in various hypothesis are advanced researched and published and then counter-hypothesis back0and-forth has not happened - instead scientists fighting for funding who do not support the initial posit - that CO2 is causing heating - have been shunned, defunded, and forced to go away and work on something else. All the same dysfunction became apparent during the pandemic when 'follow the science' PR framing that happened publicly, had already been institutionalized in the scientific community starting way back in the 1990s when corporate power over what get funded began to be apparent.

And I know - this spells an end to the enlightenment in the west - get your head around it, it has happened, is happening.

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