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So according to Robert Reich - to honor the RUSSIAN Victory over Fascism, 80 years ago... we need to support the guy who's now overtly arming Banderite Nazis, in Ukraine - as part of an American-led, NATO Empire war, against Russia... Boy... That sounds like genius advice...

And yes, as you pointed out - the man who scared Menachem Begin, with his bloodthirstiness and Genocidal Zionist Colonial Zeal - has been directly responsible for this lastest expression of Genocidal Zionist ethno-supremacism in Gaza, and the other parts of Occupied Palestine.

Good thing that we saved "Democracy" - 80 years ago 😂... I'm sure that it's a great solace to the (at least) hundreds of Millions that we've killed since, directly and indirectly. From his solitary prison cell at Belmarsh, Julian Assange must also be quite thankful. As are, no doubt, those who've target by our Intelligence Community, for their reporting - most recently several reporters at-, and the Grayzone itself. Those on the KILL LIST, maintained by our Ukrainian Proxies, and paid for by the largesse of our collapsing fiat currency, and its globalist masters in London and Switzerland will probably be willing to regard their potential murders as an anomalous but needful outlier - in the fight to keep Donald Trump, out of the White House.

While I was no fan of the 45th President, or the NeoCon swamp monsters that he allowed himself to be forced into empowering (often at the expense of his own publicly-stated Agenda) throughout his first term in office...I must say, that I've come to regard him as the LESSER of the two Evils, promoted by the American Uniparty. He's just the less competent of two major possibilities, for being the head of our crumbling Empire. When he says the quiet parts outloud - he exposes the cravenness and evil of American policy... By contrast, Joe Biden's incantations are much prettier-sounding, funhouse mirror inversions and distortions of reality. Whatever he says, you can just assume that the opposite is true. And that holds doubly true for his surrogates, like his ReichsTwitterer, Robert.

While the world has been distracted with Grandpas Joe's bloody wars for Monopolar Global Imperial Hegemony - he's been quietly working to end any semblance of "Democracy"; whether here in America, or around the world.

Illegally under their own rules, the WHO's World Health Assembly - has recently advanced "amendments" to the "International Health Regulations" - that seek to empower Tigrayan Terrorist, and Bill Gates crony/apparatchik Tedrose Ad Hominem to become the High ruler of the Globalist Technocratic Totalitarian Empire - as soon as he decides (without any appeals available) - that there's another Plandemic afoot...or perhaps just deemed convenient and necessary for already stated Global Plutocratic/Oligarchical Agendas - like massive depopulation (meaning Democide) and the virtual enslavement of the survivors. And the Biden Regime has also proposed a largely redundant "Pandemic Treaty" which while currently stalled, may yet move forward. Unlike the IHR "amendments", at least the Treaty would theoretically require ratification by the Senate.

The "amendments" go into effect, in 18 months, unless a given nation announces their withdrawal from the IHR Compact, or the WHO, itself. In this respect - I would say that either Trump or RFK Jr. would be a preferred winner of the 2024 contest - because either or both, might be willing to thwart this transparent Global powergrab attempt, orchestrated by the Davos Eugenicist/Transhumanist Philanthropath Class.

As I recall, Trump withdrew US support for the WHO. The next President NEEDS to exeunt this Nation from the Globalist Suicide Pact, that the WHO represents, now - or initiate MASSIVE and IMMEDIATE reforms, to what has become an unaccountable and potentially dictatorial Global body. Based upon past behavior and positions, RFK Jr. and Trump appear to be the Candidates most likely to take these needful and drastic steps - necessitated by the Perfidy (frankly, TREASON) of the Joe Biden Regime, in PUSHING FOR, these IHR "amendments", and "Pandemic Treaty".

Neither Trump nor RFK Jr. is any improvement over Biden, when it comes to unconditional support for the Genocidal Zionist Apartheid Settler-Colonial Entity. But sadly, that appears to be by systemic design. Nobody with a better position, will ever be allowed even a whiff of a chance at being elevated to the Presidency, it seems. But the good news, is that when Trump is in power, the rest of the left will predictably awaken from their 4 year nap. We'll have 'pussy hat' marches again - and brunch will be cancelled. Assuming that he can get onto the ballot in all 50 States, RFK Jr. looks to be the best we can hope for. He's progressive in many ways, and has established his bona fides in opposing the Globalist BioSecurity and Hybrid BioWarfare State/Empire, during the horrors of the Plandemic.

I really WISH that I could take the Cornel West and Jill Stein campaigns seriously... But after watching West's intellectual collapse, in an interview with Jimmy Dore, it's been apparent that his campaign isn't what it appears to be. He just submitted a grand total of 4,000 signatures in New York - which is nowhere close to the number needed, to appear on the ballot there. Jill Stein submitted a much larger number of signatures, but still fell short of the threshold required. I'd love to see her being interviewed by Jimmy Dore - but she's clearly afraid of the questions he's already been asking, about her advice to Cornel West, that he engage the services of "Peter Douche", a longtime Clintonite swine, who later made a public recantation - but many of us still have doubts.

Let's not forget Claudia Dela Cruz... She's perhaps the best on Palestine and anti-Zionism/anti-Colonialism - if people are looking for a progressive protest vote, with 0 actual chance of winning.

As for lesser offices - Jose Vega, recently submitted more signatures than he needed, to challenge AIPAC's darling in the Bronx, Richie Torres. A long term and committed activist against the Imperialists' wars, and Fauxgressive "Squad" collapses on those issues - he deserves our support, from around the country.

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