Nice wrap-up of a big moment in the quest for truth and justice regarding the lawless Donald J. Trump, the man Noam Chomsky called the most dangerous criminal in history.

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All very well said, sir. I just wish I could have access to a history book from the year 2324.

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Please, don't mistake me for a follower or "liker" of Donald Trump. I've been anti-Trump since 1993, but I am pro-fact and pro-justice and if I understand these charges rightly every single charge in that Trump was found guilty of (and he should have been found guilty of them when they were not post statute of limitations) were well past their statute of limitations.

And which were resurrected only by some rather legal slickery of applying an obscure law to a legal situation that that "obscure law" was applied to...

That they were committed pursuant to covering up another crime which (like the original crimes) was itself a misdemeanor. All of which were prosecuted by a prosecutor whose prime campaign promise was the "get Trump" and tried by a judge whose main campaign promise was "to get Trump".

And was tried in a district known to be overwhelmingly (approximately 95%) possessing an anti Trump bias.

As I was wont to say in 2017 / 2018 Trump should be easy impeach but for one thing.... his most serious crimes were financial (not bookkeeping kinds either) such as money laundering and bribery, etc. Of course the member of the House could not bring those charges lest they risked having their own financial shenanigans exposed and thus subjecting them to serious risk of RECALL or worse.

My contention is that Trump is guilty of plenty crimes that we should not have to manufacture such overly biased cases to get him except for one thing. Nearly everyone of his political enemies would then be subject to prosecution of the same legal measures as would then apply to Trump.

Our political system is so corrupt that the most corrupt politicians can't be charged and convicted on their serious crimes without risking nearly all other politicians being targeted for the same or very similar violations of law.

If we celebrate "legal victories" like these then people like Julian Assange, John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden (to say nothing about nobodies like you and me) will ever stand a chance at having anything close to a fair trial.

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