The Democrats say nothing, because they rely upon the same kinds of support - and the exact same supporters, in many cases.

Both halves of the DC monoparty, are ardently Zionist.

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I find right-wing women especially disheartening….

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Keep thinking about this. Offending from the victim position. You big angry victim!! Get over yourself!! Yikes. I am so tired of our inability to tax big wealth — somehow, in the zeitgeist, we (Americans) still believe these people deserve what they have. Grrrr. 👿

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This is how it’s done. Corporations are not people. Mega doners should be unconstitutional.

Yet, mega doners like Soros, Zuckerman, get a free pass to interfere in elections all over the country. They’re all in it together. First rule.. Don’t talk about Mega Doners.

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I wouldn’t lose sleep on the Freedom medal as most of the recipients are athletes. Having said that, I saw where Alan Page received one... a very intelligent person!!!

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