Along with the 40,000 Palestinian casualties already documented in Gaza, "The reality remains that Biden's administration is caught in a moral and political quagmire, struggling to balance strategic alliances with a semblance of ethical integrity." " A semblance of ethical integrity," indeed! The morally bankrupt Biden administration doesn't appear to be capable of even that as the president and his associate warmongers pay fealty to the political factions beholding to the protocols of Empire and the commands of the pro-Israel lobby. The whole disgusting mess not only exposes the lack of moral integrity on the part of the players involved, it also ensures the continuation of Israel's genocide in Gaza.

As you correctly state: "The blind support for a regime that perpetuates the suffering of Palestinians, including the relentless bombing of Gaza, is indefensible." Your concluding remarks in this post amplify that point by making clear that the only way to make things right and end America's complicity in Israel's criminal genocide is the shift in allegiance from Netanyahu's evil personal agenda to the higher universal principles of moral virtue. "This moment calls for a decisive break from the past," you write, "a recognition that true leadership requires more than empty rhetoric. It demands a courageous commitment to justice, one that acknowledges the suffering of the Palestinian people and holds Netanyahu to account for his crimes."

Let us hope that Biden and company get the message before more Palestinians lose their lives.

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Jun 21Liked by Oussama Horchani

2 things... 1. Netanyahu is not alone most Israeli believe the same things that all Palestinians are animals and deserve to die. Watch Israeli TV shows all are the same (or worse!). 2. These creatures in DC are the same beast Zionist Nazis as the ones in the Terrorist State of Israel and have no morals to go back to. They are all BLOOD GHOULS! This organisation has been the direct cause of the death of over 30 million innocent people in their efforts to destroy any resistance to their insanity since 1905.

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"without meaningful consequences, the U.S. is complicit in the ongoing violence and oppression of the Palestinian people"

Yes Biden, his cabinet, and we the people are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians (and others) captive by Isreal and the surrounding dyspora. WTF are you talking about: "meaningful consequences" we got Bibi's back with $$$$, with weapons, with intel, with NATO equipment, with government approval of firing people from their jobs and arresting student and non student for protesting genocide. Our government calling them terrorists for their moral stand.

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You're right. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. I just want to see an end to the suffering and violence. It's heartbreaking to watch our government support these crimes while Palestinians endure so much.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 21Liked by Oussama Horchani

Osssma there are lots of voices like ours but our leaders here and our nation states cronies are not listening. I_ like you and many others_ vent our frustration in commrntary...

Its time for action to speak louder than words dear friend of peace.


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For Biden there is no moral dilemma (maybe crocodile tears and empty empathetic words) but please get tough on crime and lock em all up Biden; never a war he wasn't all in on Biden; never a war he wouldn't fund to the max_ Biden....not a moral bone in his pathetic decrepit body. And please the Repuglicans are just as bad forever warriors from their comfortable airconditions offices in Congress. Both parties feed the war machine and in return the war machine feeds them. And now dear citizens with constriction (the draft) just passed by our comfortably rich privileged congresspersons we'll be feeding our children to the war machine. Wake up. Woke up. We the people are ghosts in the machine.

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Jun 21Liked by Oussama Horchani

I think you have fallen for the smoke screen. All 535 Zionist Nazi politicians and Biden are all in on genocide. There isn't any disagreement between the one War Party. It is simply "Time to get Re-elected"! These filthy Zionist scum think that they can fool everyone again as if their continued supply of Bombs is somehow not devastating enough or don't do damage beyond their "Red Line". Always remember NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE THESE ZIONIST NAZI War Criminals committing GENOCIDE and TREASON! They kill any and everyone who is not them. Look at them as what they are not as the lies they tell. Look at them as Criminally Insane and the Mass Murdering Sociopaths they are and by their very actions. They lie to your face and stab you in the back and claim they are the victims!

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Biden has made a spectacular error. Standing so close to Netanyahu was like embracing Hungary’s Orban or India’s Modi and telling them they can do whatever they want and the US would given them free weapons and silence the ICC, ICJ and the UN. Bibi’s natural allies are GOP not the Dems. Biden has zero bargaining chip now. It’s in Netanyahu’s interest to sabotage Biden’s reelection bid. Biden alienated Arab Americans in a key swing state and the progressive wing of democratic voters for nothing. He probably thought that no one would care if tens of thousands of “Arabs” got killed. After all, Israel had been killing “Arabs” for a long while and got away with it. And look at the US: it killed so many of civilians in Iraq with total impunity after all. But, unfortunately for Biden, many Democratic voters do not think like that way anymore.

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Both criminals! Should be sent to The Hague

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It's not Biden. One president can't erase the USA's commitment to the white supremacist goal of controlling the world. Israel is part of that goal.

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Add Trudeau and macron to this group and dump at sea

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