Jun 5Liked by Oussama Horchani

It is a stain on our reputation as a country who supports democracy, law and order that we aren’t signatory to the ICC. That the House of Representatives now wants to sanction them for going after a war criminal who has used prohibited weapons further shows we don’t practice what we preach to the rest of the world. W Bush pulled us out at least in part I think because he was afraid he himself could have been prosecuted for the war in Iraq.

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These fools are nuts!!

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Two great lines from this post stand out: 1. "As the American empire continues to falter, there is an opportunity to rebuild a world where justice is not a privilege of the powerful, but a right for all." 2. "In this emerging world, the voices of the oppressed will no longer be silenced, and the dying empire's echo will fade into history." I look forward to the "emerging world" becoming a reality; maybe then America can get back to the business of being the democracy it was intended to be by virtue of the Constitution that's been shredded by the political forces of neoliberalism.

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The ICC and the ICJ should make a list: Sudan, Myanmar, etc.

Forces for human rights have a very long way to go. Will the US and China be competing on the grounds of world domination or world liberation?

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Jun 5Liked by Oussama Horchani

Individual members of the House have also issued not so veiled death threats against Khan, the ICC and their families. Why is this not unpunished? If Belgium and France are waking up over the Middle East that's encouraging, but Europe still seems dangerously stupid and doing whatever the Ghoul Administration says re Ukraine.

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Jun 5Liked by Oussama Horchani

Hard to believe, but not much surprises me these days. The ICC is supposed to be for everyone, not just countries the west doesn't like.

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Not sure I see the USA faltering. Not sure if the whispers of the peoples of the world of our horrific hegamony is going to ever get any louder than whispers. Please show me evidence of this faltering and world resistance getting any louder than a whisper. Your words speak louder than the reality I observe. Maybe the other two legs of the 3 great powers could get beyond whispers but to date both China and Russia are dealing with either war in the case of Russia and maintaining harmony with in its population in the case of China. The nations of S America and Africa in combinations total to less than a whisper. So I find your argument about faltering and world resistance etheral. -hot air-

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Jun 5Liked by Oussama Horchani

Speaking as a 71 year-old, very politically active American and one-time journalist and political cartoonist I see ample evidence of the faltering, flailing and fumbling American Empire. We are stumbling down the well-worn steps of all failed empires. Our political system is so corrupt, bought out and rotted this presidential race will be between Joe Biden and Donald Trump! Think of that. Biden and Trump? That is the BEST our corrupted system can fart out.

Our vaunted military is weak, disorganized, understaffed and completely incapable of protecting us from nuclear attack DESPITE spending a billion-plus per year.

The wealthy few are impoverishing the masses as they conduct a furious "smash n' grab" before the whole Ponzi scheme of the American economy collapses.

Our manufacturing has been exported and gutted to the point that all the red-white-n-blue tacky patriot t-shirts at Walmart are "Made In China" ... along with virtually everything else.

We've had our run and ... as with all empires ... we blew it. Our momentum will defy reality for a little while longer, but we are going down in a heap of poisonous slag and silly BS. Seeing the rise of BRICS and allies beginning to peel away from us over our genocide in Gaza and our complete F-up in Ukraine and the effects of our eco-terrorism with the Nord Stream bombing is encouraging to see. The 'Merican Empire needs to end.

And it is. It's just a matter of time and whether the US decides to take everybody out with a nuclear holocaust. That, I fear is about 75/25.

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I agree yet our faulter marches on and on. Why does it not stop

As it faulters on and on we the people seams to be the ones faltering not our government empire. When the fu$k will it end its horrific existence. When?

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Sorry for all the misspelling will correct later...

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I have NEVER been This humiliated by my Country . & BELIEVE ME theres alot wrong thru its founding. This is the clear death of a belief thats now PROVEN BS (appropriately “ruled” by genocide Joe the incompetent fraud puppet )so out to linch he dookied in his draws in France livevonvstage meeting w/ their president ? You can’t make this shit up folks

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All them the Gods want to destroy,the Gods make them mad.

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Now beyond doubt we know who are the rulers of the USA!

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Happy to edit your important prose. deensryk@gmail.com (otherjones.com - archive)

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