Jun 2Liked by Oussama Horchani

Bring on #NUMEC

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God help us

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So, basically, exactly what Biden’s done then?

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Biden’s DOJ still has checks and balances. Trump’s plan looks to turn it into his own political weapon, which is a whole different level. Big difference.

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I follow what the DoJ do in regards to banking. I`ve no idea where you get your data from but the DoJ have been a joke for years.

Jeffrey Epstein, Hunter Biden and the China deals, Biden`s old but senile comments regarding secret documents in his garage/bathroom...

Then you have what I follow:


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I get your concerns about the DOJ's past actions. you can Check out the Reuters article for more details: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/donald-trump-wants-control-justice-department-fbi-his-allies-have-plan-2024-05-17/

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Jun 2Liked by Oussama Horchani

I`m not denying what it says. I am just saying the DoJ hasn`t been fit for purpose for years and it seriously leans towards Biden and the Democrats at the moment.

I`m British so don`t have an angle regarding either politician but the facts are what they are.

Regarding "their past actions", those DoJ stories and banking are recent and go well back into the past...

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The DOJ has had its issues, especially with banking, and that's often due to the influence of big money in politics and capitalism. The revolving door between government officials and big corporations, along with lobbying, has compromised the DOJ's effectiveness in regulating banks and holding powerful individuals accountable. This systemic problem goes beyond any single administration.

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Jun 2Liked by Oussama Horchani

Totally agree.

But if big money can manipulate the DoJ then so can the politicians. Either way it isn`t protecting the people nor their country.

The problem with setting precedence, like utilising the 3x letter agency`s to your own benefit, as I believe Biden has, is that your opponent will do the same when it is their turn. That`s what I believe that article is about.

From Russian Election interfering hoax to the latest manipulation of Law, it is pretty obvious to people not tied into either political party that there`s great abuses of the system going on.

I just hope the rumour of going to war so as to get re-elected (Biden) isn`t true. It`s estimated to start, approximately, in September.

Opinion regarding the NY case:


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💯 - if you wanted to protect the "independence" of the DoJ - what year would you have to set your time machine, to go back to?

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The abuse of the DoJ is just whomever`s in power. At the moment it`s the Democrats. That`s the most diplomatic answer, without answering, I can manage without spending a long time chatting/boring you to death...

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