Thank you for your incisive article about UCLA's grotesque hypocrisy. Also for spotlighting the great Bill Walton's activism. RIP


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This is deeply disturbing. Thanks for posting. UCLA student protesters don't deserve this.

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These students and those faculty members who are being so abused are going to remember how they were treated, and they will pass the memories on to their children. They will never forget, and these memories will serve to help to shape their lives.

They will live longer than the bought-and-paid-for school administrators, or the bought-and-paid-for cops, or the billionaire donors who are financing every outrage both here and abroad, and

they are the ones who will write the future.

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As Max Blumenthal says, the occupation has come home.

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Knowing what we know about the ACTIVE and ORCHESTRATED non-response of Campus Police and LAPD, during the 4hour+ Zionist Extremist Pogrom against the peaceful protestors in the encampment; and the collaboration between the administration and the violent "counter-protestors" over the prior weekend - it feels like the UC, Gene Block, the Mayor and the Police Chief - are all good for a Federal lawsuit, over their Conspiracy Against Rights, and even a Criminal Case under 18 USC 241/242. But that would imply that we had a Federal Government that wasn't (in all likelihood) orchestrating the campaign to silence the student protestors, on a nationwide basis - and wouldn't therefore be good candidates for the same kinds of cases.

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American “justice”

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This is such a travesty of justice. We're "blackmailing" students into not protesting, into squelching their consciences and staying silent about the genocide in Gaza. I hope the UCLA administration's actions against their students comes back and bites them on their backside someday soon.

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The right to peacefully protest is ingrained in our Constitution. Blatant refusals by law enforcement to protect those rights for all peaceful protestors is indicative of corruption at the very top.

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its a sueable issue at the end of the day just like this covid and this mandate nonsense. yeah these big wigs have all their angles covered with lawyers etc. yes; and these student boards on many of these school campuses are infested with the likes of ppl supporting this zionist nonsense posing as the most "liberal"... ... (that is a blanket statement however - but there is a trend there). which is why this is happening the way it is. i was seeing this play out as a class action suit with this covid mandate nonsense in the end, but we all know this is a way to intimidate and socially engineer other students from speaking up. thereby reducing the true essence of an educated individual. im currently living near the campus and have been familiar with some of the activity myself. there and with protest marches starting from the federal bldg. down wilshire and other activities myself.

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They haven't quite achieved the martyrdom they support, but by first sacrificing their degree, and then their freedom, maybe one day they can become like their heroes and finally achieve the glorious title of "Shahid", G-d speed!

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Why are they protesting instead of studying? Are the classes so easy that they have time on their hands to protest causes they have yet to investigate for themselves? These young adults should be getting themselves prepared to pass exams. Building encampments seems juvenile to me. Maybe they do not value the education they are receiving?

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Maybe they value human life--like the 40,000 lives already lost in Gaza--more than a meaningless piece of sheepskin at the end of the day? These students standing up for justice seem more adult than the evil people who are trying to blackmail them into remaining silent in the face of the genocide in Gaza. Shame on anyone who approves of genocide!

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Where were they on the 7th of October? Why haven't they been protesting for Sudan? The answer is simple, they are either the idiot patsys for jihadists or they are jihadists themselves, and either way, stopping loss of life has never been a jihadists cause.

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The mass murdering of innocent children and the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous peoples of Palestine has always been the cause of Zionism. Apartheid Israel will play the narcissistic victim card every chance it gets. Sooooo predictable! Go watch the documentary 1948: Creation and Catastrophe and learn something.

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